Semeiotica Biofisica Quantistica. Il Nuovo Rinascimento della Medicina.

Il 29 Giugno 2015 ho pubblicato un articolo che potrebbe porre fine, in modo rapido ed affidabile, ad una vergogna della Medicina della Sconfitta, nata  con un parto assai travagliato a Framingham nel 1948.

Mi riferisco alla difficoltà della diagnosi di cancro del pancreas, specialmente, ma non solo, negli stadi iniziali asintomatici  di Reale Rischio Congenito in evoluzione.

Early bedside Diagnosis of Pancreas Cancer, starting from its Oncological Terrain-Dependent, Inherited Real Risk. 29-06-15

Notoriously, the prognosis for individuals diagnosed with pancreatic carcinoma is poor, largely because it is asymptomatic during decades, so that the diagnosis is too late and often comes after metastases have occurred. As a matter of facts, in a lot of articles, one reads that pancreas cancer diagnosis is made, unfortunately, later exclusively with the aid of Laboratory and image Department………

Ecco la puerile, desolante, imbarazzata mail di Nature PG, che pubblico dopo aver informato l’illustre mittente, sia ben chiaro:

Il 01/07/2015 14:17, ha scritto:

Dear Dr Stagnaro,

Manuscript number: NRCO-15-178V1
Title: Early bedside Diagnosis of Pancreas Cancer, starting from its Oncological Terrain-Dependent, Inherited Real Risk
Author(s): Sergio Stagnaro, Marco Marchionni, and Simone Caramel

Thank you for contacting us with the above suggested article for consideration in Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. We have now read your proposal and I regret to inform you that after careful consideration and discussion with the Editorial Team we have decided that we will not commission this article for the journal. Obviously the topic of staging, diagnosing and treating pancreatic cancer is a very timely and important topic. However, as we have several commissioned reviews covering this area, we are not able to proceed with your suggestion on this occasion. (corsivo mio!)

We are very sorry that we could not be more positive, but we thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider the proposal. We wish you the best of luck submitting this article elsewhere.

Thank you for your interest in Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology.
With best wishes,

Dr Lisa Hutchinson
Chief Editor – Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7843 4837

Nature Publishing Group
The Macmillan Building
4 Crinan Street
London N1 9XW, UK

My Answer:
——– Messaggio Inoltrato ——–

Oggetto: Childish, distressing answer.
Data: Thu, 02 Jul 2015 09:51:28 +0200
Mittente: Sergio Stagnaro <>

To Dr Lisa Hutchinson
Chief Editor – Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7843 4837

my critical comment to the following childish and distressing mail, answering to my provocative, rather than concrete, proposal, one will read next on my blog La Voce di SS , wherein I shall post also, as Incipit, your hesitant response.
With best wishes

Dr Sergio Stagnaro

Sergio Stagnaro MD
Via Erasmo Piaggio 23/8,
16039 Riva Trigoso (Genoa) Italy
Founder of Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics,
Honorary President of International Society of
Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics (SISBQ)
Who’s Who in the World (and America)
since 1996
Ph 0039-0185-42315
Cell. 3338631439

Avete letto la motivazione di quella che in realtà era una mera provocazione: Nature PG ha molte riviste che pubblicano articoli sul cancro e pertanto il mio articolo lo rigetteno al mittente.

Il fatto che il cancro pancreatico porta a morte sempre e che la diagnosi di Reale Rischio Congenito, conditio sine qua non della GUARIGIONE,  ottenuta  mediante non costosa Terapia Quantistica, non interessa nessun Editore, al di qua e al di là dell’Atlantico.

Spiegata così la definizione di  Segno di Norimberga.

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