Semeiotica Biofisica Quantistica. Il Nuovo Rinascimento della Medicina.

Articoli con tag ‘La Favola dei Papillomavirus CAUSA del Cancro Cervicale’

Il Re è Nudo: Vaccinazione anti-HPV e Prevenzione Primaria del Cancro Cervicale !

Dopo il Framingham Heart “Econocmic”  Study,  nell’orizzonte farmaco-terapeutico, pochi anni or sono, apparve una seconda  possibilità di dar inizio ad un’altrettanto epocale impresa: l’eliminazione del cancro cervicale mediante il vaccino anti papillomavirus,  fornito da due grandi Case Farmaceutiche!

Furono poste le basi “scientifiche” della storica impresa,  accompagnata  dall’attribuzione di un Premio Nobel a chi ha “dimostrato” che il papillomavirus è la “causa” di questo tumore maligno.

In verità la Scienza, storia della correzione di teorie sbagliate, non dimostra assolutamente nulla. Infatti, se così fosse   l’uomo conoscerà un giorno la Verità, finirà il progresso scientifico e in eterno si potrà giocare a carte!

A Natale, navigando in internet mi sono imbattuto in un illuminante articolo del 2009,  scritto dal Professor David Kerr  (fondatore di AFROX (the Africa-Oxford Cancer Consortium) e Professore del Cancer Medicine at the University of Oxford) e in miei commenti critici nei confronti delle sue affermazioni.

David Kerr on preventing cervical cancer in Africa

30 Mar, 09 | by BMJ Group,

I think we have reached a pivotal moment in the fight to prevent cervical cancer in Africa.  This week I organised an international meeting in Oxford, bringing together representatives of the First Ladies of Nigeria and Uganda, African health ministers, pharmaceutical companies, and leading cervical cancer doctors, to map out a strategy for cervical cancer prevention in Africa. At the end of the meeting, the delegates signed the Oxford Declaration committing, for the first time, to global cooperation to eradicate cervical cancer in Africa.

Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths for women in Africa. It is a disease which affects women in the prime of their lives, but most are unable to get any treatment and, far too often, they suffer a painful death as the only form of palliation available is paracetamol.

In the UK we are on the road to eradicating cervical cancer with the introduction of the HPV vaccine, but in Africa there is virtually no support to protect women from cervical cancer. There was great excitement from the delegates about the impact that the introduction of the HPV vaccine could have in Africa. Until now the costs of doing this have been prohibitive, as a course of vaccine jabs costs £300 per girl, and so it was way beyond the budget of all African governments.


My First Comment:

Sergio Stagnaro • 4 years ago


“Dear Prof David Kerr see my NEWS on Italian website, at URL….

Kind regards”.

My Second Comment:

Sergio Stagnaro • 4 years ago

Dear Professor David Kerr,

there is a fundamental bias in some of your statements, as I wrote formerly, even on HPV and Cervical Cancer? What is unfortunately overlooked.
As I wrote to both Nobel Prize Harald zur Hausen, as well as to Royal Swedish Academy of Science, I cannot agree with the reason of the recent Nobel Prize, although admit frankly that all researches on the relation between HPV and cervical cancer, and the primary prevention with anti HPV vaccine against cervical cancer is honestly performed in a worthy manner, especially from day-to-day practice viewpoint. However, I have been underscoring, unfortunately un-hearded, that in all researches on the relation between papillomavirus (16, 18 types) and cervical cancer there is a fundamental bias, overlooked distressingly, and disheartening. As a matter of fact, all around the world Oncological Terrain and cervical cancer INHERITED REAL RISK are unfortunately overlooked by both physicians, including oncologists, and peer-reviews Editors, with some worthy exceptions, due to a lot of reasons, really easy to understand, in my opinion (1-7, 14, 15) See also my website.

As a consequence, in spite of its complications, readable in large Literature, vaccination campaign against HPV to prevent cervical cancer in ALL young women has to be performed exclusively in those, surely involved by such as disorders, i.e. at real risk of cervical cancer. In Italy,too, as you surely know, is going on an expensive campaign against Cervix Carcinoma by means of HPV vaccination, adviced to ALL young women aged from 12 to 20 years. Really, NOT ALL individuals CAN be involved by malignancy, according to Oncological Terrain and Oncological Inherited Real Risk theory, largely accepted by few, farsighted, open-minded Editors, analogously to diabetes and CAD. All inherited real risks are characterized by microcirculatory remodelling, wherein newborn-pathological, type I, subtype a) Oncological, and respectively, subtype b) aspecific, Endoarteriolar Blocking Devices play a central role (1-13). Nowadays, doctor can bedside assess both Oncological Terrain and Oncological Congenital Real risk in a few minutes, with the aid of a simple stethoscope, as I have demonstrated in details in papers published in famous peer-reviews (1-7, 14).
1. Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno Oncologico. Ed. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004. 2. Stagnaro Sergio. New bedside way in Reducing mortality in diabetic men and women. Ann. Int. Med.2007. (URL NO accepted by
3. Stagnaro Sergio. Bedside Evaluation Tobacco’s actions on Biological Systems. The Lancet, October 13, 2007,(URL NO accepted by
4. Stagnaro S. Genes and Cancer: a clinical view-point. The Oncological Terrain. BioMed Central Informatics. (URL NO accepted by 2004
5. Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., Oncological Terrain, conditio sine qua non of Oncogenesis: (URL NO accepted by
6. Stagnaro Sergio. “Genes, Oncological Terrain, and Breast Cancer”, World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2005, (URL NO accepted by
7. Stagnaro Sergio. Cancer Risk Factors and Oncological Terrain. 2006. (URL NO accepted by
8. Stagnaro Sergio. Without Oncological Terrain oncogenesis is not possible. CMAJ. 23 March 2007 (URL NO accepted by
9. Stagnaro Sergio. GPs , Biophysical Semeiotics, and bedside cancer diagnosis. 08 July 2007, International Seminar of Surgical Oncology, (URL NO accepted by
10. Stagnaro Sergio. Oncological Terrain and Inherited Oncological Real Risk: New Way in Malignancy Primary Prevention and early Diagnosis. International Seminars in Surgical Oncology, 2007. (URL NO accepted by
11. Stagnaro Sergio. Bedside Biophysical-Semeiotic Diagnosis of Breast Cancer, since initial Stage. International Seminars in Surgical Oncology 2007, (URL NO accepted by
12. Stagnaro Sergio. What about Oncological Terrain. 2007. (URL NO accepted by
13. Stagnaro Sergio. Oncogenesis is possible exclusively in individuals Oncological Terrain-positive. 2007. http://www.the-…
14. Stagnaro Sergio. Overloking Oncological Terrain and oncological Real Risk, no paper is up-dated! 18 January 2008 Ann. Intern Med. (URL NO accepted by
15) Stagnaro Sergio. Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics and Cancer Inherited Real Risk not accepted by

(On request, I’ll send them)

Come si può leggere sopra, motivi tecnici inerenti il blog del BMJ non permisero a chi scrive di mettere in rete le varie URL ; pertanto ho aggiunto la mia disponibilità a  fornire direttamente io le precise indicazioni!

Prima di tutto, chiedo a chi legge una riflessione sui motivi che hanno portato all’accettazione e poi alla pubblicazione delle mie critiche da parte del Prof. David Kerr e degli Editori del BMJ!

Sono passati appena tre anni; nonostante alcuni tentativi di rilanciare la campagna per la prevenzione del cancro cervicale nei Paesi Occidentali mediante vaccinazione anti HPV, praticamente nessuno ne  parla più.

E non si parla neppure più dell’umanitaria impresa di prevenzione in Paesi sottosviluppati, come il Madagascar  (In LA VOCE, dedicai un Post al Prof. Umberto Veronesi, incaricato da quel governo di presiedere l’organizzazione della Vaccinazione nellabellissima isola:, e nemmeno del Premio Nobel, a cui scrissi senza ottenere risposta quando transitoriamente godeva della Gloria Mundi, effimera come la mimosa.

“Veritas Filia Temporis”, come scriveva Aulo Gellio nel II sec. d. C., nel senso ch’è il tempo a svelare e far trionfare la Verità, non certamente a crearla!

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